Thursday, September 27, 2012

TILT: Book Posters Version 6.25

More book posters for today's Things I Love Thursday woot woot!! :)

(I always try to find the original link, but if one of these is yours 
& you don't want it up, please contact me!)

I Am A Book Hoarder by CinderellaInRubberShoes --my sister pinned this poster for me the other day because we were talking about how I am starting to hoard books and I may have to start sleeping with them soon lol.

Bookworms Aren't People Who Love to Read by Belcastro Agency (I believe) --absolutely!

Busy Library by MojaMoja??  --I'm not sure where this is originally from, so if you know, please comment below! I love the print though, that's how a library should be.

Say it Loud, Say it Proud: I am a Book Geek by CinderellaInRubberShoes --I think I found a Tumblr to follow, even though I have no idea how Tumblr works lol. I love a lot of this person's prints, so great!


  1. Just when I think I've found all the cute book come along with this! I don't know how you manage to find these! Great post :)

    1.'s called a heavy addiction to Pinterest. :) I just want to get them all and hang them everywhere now though. And thanks!
