Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Review: "Dawn & The Impossible Three: The Baby-Sitters Club Graphic Novel #5"

4 out of 5 stars

This is the first of the graphic novels adapted by Gale Galligan and I think she did a great job keeping the art style similar enough to Raina Telgemeier's that it's not jarring or even really noticeable. The only thing I noticed, after really looking, was the noses lol. I'm still sad they skipped over Claudia & the Phantom Phone Calls and also The Ghost at Dawn's House. Looking ahead, I'd rather they had skipped over Kristy & the Snobs. I did decide awhile back to only get the first 10 of the graphic novels, because I really don't have the room to keep going with them. I also am still hoping for some Super Specials though and would definitely get the first 2 of those.

This story combines Dawn's first book and Mallory's (which is actually #14 in the regular series). I wasn't crazy about this change because now we don't get Jessi's introduction. But otherwise, I think it worked out okay. It starts out with Dawn complaining about fall in Connecticut, instead of sunny California, and going to sit for the Pikes, with Mallory as a sort-of helper for the first time. The BSC girls are considering letting Mal join as a junior sitter but make her take this ridiculous test first that she of course fails. They agree to give her a trial run job but Dawn has some doubts when Mallory tells her about all the accidents her siblings have gotten into that she's taken care of. I mean, it's the Pike kids, there's gonna be daily accidents at that house. Mallory ends up saving the day though, when she stops Dawn from giving Marnie Barrett chocolate, which she is allergic to, and Mallory is an official BSC member by the end of the book.

Meanwhile, Dawn starts sitting for the 3 Barrett kids and running Mrs B's house for her. We don't get Marnie's "ham face" which I was sad about, but then I realized their dad's name is Ham so maybe they were referencing him all along?? I was also sad I didn't get "Let's All Come In", Karen's best game invention. We do get the Pike triplets' "Bizzer Sign", which seems even more annoying in graphic novel format. Buddy Barrett going missing (being picked up by his dad without telling anyone) is definitely more harrowing. Poor Dawn panicking when she can't find him.

Kristy continues to be jealous of Dawn & Mary Anne's friendship. Mary Anne's dad agrees to let her redo her room some and Dawn brings some old junk over. Kristy does join them but basically ignores Dawn. Later, the girls are all talking about Kristy's mom getting married and she tells them she will be moving into Watson's McMansion and Dawn tries to cheer her up by listing things she can do with her new room and Kristy blows up at her. It all comes out later though that Kristy is really worried about the club because she won't be able to walk over anymore. All the other girls reassure her that there would be no club without her and they will figure it out. 

In the meantime, in a move COMPLETELY out of character, Dawn suggests she & her mom "just do hamburgers, hot dogs, and potato salad" for their family/friends cookout. Dawn, who gags at the school lunches and lectures everyone on their club snacks? No way. So yeah, they all figure things out in the end and everyone is happy again.

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