Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Musings of a book blogger....

Does book blogging still exist? Does this blog have any readers still? Can I post more than 5 times in one year? Should I still try blogging other books besides Baby-Sitters Club & Sweet Valley High? These are the questions that plague me at night. (Not really, more like at work when I'm bored hah.)

I am still reading of course, you can check me out on Instagram or Goodreads to see that. So what is stopping me from blogging, which I sincerely enjoy? I would say the rise of streaming tv shows and movies plays a large part. Netflix, Hulu, Amazon, Disney+, I've got them all and I still browse aimlessly trying to find something to watch. A longer work commute is another. When I finally get home, I just want to sit and zone out. I barely have enough energy to cook dinner some nights. Weekends are spent catching up on house stuff and spending time with the boyfriend fiance :) <3 or family. And I suppose lack of activity is the final piece. When I haven't blogged in awhile, I forget how. Even now, I am wondering if this is a good post, if it's too wordy, what kind of pictures I should include, should this be another paragraph? It can be hard. Especially knowing you're doing this mostly for yourself.

But should that stop you/me? I don't think so. I'm proud of (most of) my posts. The Baby-Sitters Club reviews especially. I want to finish them, to make the Master List a complete list full of snarky comments, nostalgic sighs, and glorious reincarnations of Claudia's outfits. So how do I do that? Use a planner again? Schedule specific time on the weekends? Stop being so lazy at night, blog while I watch tv, go to bed a smidge later? (Blog on the sly at work?) All of these things probably. And I think that's enough semi-rhetorical questions for one post, don't you agree? (See what I did there? Okay, I'll stop.)

Let's talk books! I want to know what you're reading right now, what your favorite book was last year, what you're most looking forward to this year! I am currently reading Nureyev, a biography about the male Russian ballet dancer. He is fascinating, I highly recommend watching some of his performances on YouTube or reading about him. I have also been reading some Mary Higgins Clark books off & on since she died recently. I devoured her books as a young teenager, they were probably some of the first "adult" books I read. She and Dean Koontz really taught me how to be a first rate serial killer stalker. :D I wasn't sure if they would still be as good and engrossing after all this time, but they really are. I'm also reading a graphic novel by Jason Walz called Last Pick. Aliens take over Earth and abduct anyone over the age of 16 and in good health. Then it's the kids turn to protect the world and get things back to normal.

I will have a post up in a few days of my favorite books in the last year so I won't mention those here. I am very much looking forward to reading the sequels for Melissa Albert's Hazel Wood series and Kiersten White's Slayer one. I have both already so just need to get to it! And of course, I have an overstuffed library cart of to-read books to choose from. :) I keep saying that I will stop buying books and read the ones I have. Alas, the allure of the library book sale is strong.

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