Friday, September 1, 2017

New Year? New Year!

It's September 1st y'all and you know what that means: yep, another year gone by where you missed the Hogwarts train. I know, I'm as devastated as you.

You may have noticed that I've been a little absent for the last few 10 months. All I can say is that I lost my blogging (and creativity in general) mojo for awhile, but I can feel it returning and I'm excited to blog again. So today felt like a good time to start back up. Am I the only one who feels like September 1st is the beginning of a new year? I've been out of school for many (many) years but I still get excited when the back to school commercials start running and the school supplies start showing up in stores.

With only 4 months left for the year, I think I can confidently say 2017 has been an amazing year and is shaping up to be even better than 2016. (Personally...we won't get into the political aspect.) In February, I was introduced (by a mutual online friend that neither of us has met...ah, technology!) to the most wonderful person and we've been together ever since. We have the same twisted sense of humor, he makes me laugh with a single look or word, and best of all: he's a Reader too. He read Harry Potter with me this summer (his first time) and what more could I ask for? Oh, how about a first date at Half Price Books? Yeah. :)

In July, I moved to a new apartment and am living by myself for the first time (formerly lived with my sister). I am actually really loving it, except for the "cooking for myself" part. I'm still figuring that out. (If you have a favorite super easy, healthy recipe share it below!) I know what you're thinking though: "how's the bookshelf situation??" Well, you'll just have to wait til next Sunday, when I'll be showing them off in detail!

I've got lots to look forward to still this year: 3 separate weeks of vacation still, more fun new things with boyfriend, Christmas, Lady Gaga concert! And blog-wise, I've got all of September planned out and about half written. I've got some fun new features planned, including a Show-Me Sunday link-up (if I can figure it out) and lots of Baby-Sitters Club reviews and posts. I'm very excited to return to Stoneybrook so I hope you are too!

And just a reminder: I'm on Facebook and Instagram (not so much Twitter anymore) so feel free to connect with me on one of those and see lots more bookish fun. Happy reading!!
(from a few weeks ago & sneak peek at the madness of my shelves!)

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