Monday, June 9, 2014

Book Haul: Friends of the Library Sale!

My local library was having a big book sale this weekend, so of course I had to go! And drag my sister along with me. (She's the best bag carrier ever! Except when she disappears to look at the movies and I have an armful of books lol.) The sale was in a big empty building down the street from the library and they had a good amount of books plus a good mixture of adult with young adult/children's books. I ended up with 20 books + 2 movies for just $16! I was pretty happy with that.

(click to make bigger)

The classics section was surprisingly small, but I managed to pick up a couple: The Little Prince, Jane Eyre, Strawberry Girl, Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, and East of Eden (which I'm starting today at work). I had a few Jane Austen books too, but I remembered just in time that I'd already gotten them at HPB last time I was there. I hate accidentally buying duplicate books, don't you?

My main goal, before I got there, was to find lots of Steinbeck and lots of Sweet Valley High. Could there be a wider spectrum of books there?? ;) I wanted extra copies of Steinbeck to read by the pool and not have to worry if they got messed up, but unfortunately, I was only able to find the one and at 600+ pages, it's not
exactly light reading. That's okay though and I did find several SVH books, so I was happy. Actually, my sister was really good at spotting them!

So, since I didn't find some Steinbeck for pool reading, I went the trashy romance route. (Nothing wrong with that!) American Girls About Town is a collection of short stories by authors like Jennifer Weiner and Sarah Mlynowski. I owned this one before but sold it off. I still have the Irish Girls anthology though, which I remember being very good. When I was super into the "Pink Book" chicklit, I remember reading a lot of Rachel Gibson and Lori Foster, so I figured these were safe bets. Plus, my sister liked them both too, so maybe she'll read them.

And in the "Everything "Else" category, we have a Chelsea Handler bio, Sarah's Key (a historical fiction that has been on my to-buy list for 3 years!), How to Save a Life by Sara Zarr, and 2 books that both turned out to be 2nd books in series argg: Footfree & Fancyloose and Viola in the Spotlight. The last one is The Vinyl Princess, which I had checked out from the library and loved, so glad to have my own copy!

Oh and the movies? Both picked by my sister: When Harry Met Sally, because we watched half of it on TV a few weeks ago and never got to finish it. And All's Faire in Love, with Christina Ricci, because it looked cute. :)

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